
What is an organization?

In AerisCloud, and organization represents a collection of roles and playbooks and is the backbone of your projects. A new organization is generated by running the cloud organization init command.

Organizations can be found stored in {data folder}/organizations and can be accessed easily from the commandline using cloud organization goto.

Folder structure

├── env_dev.yml
├── env_production.yml
└── roles
    ├── aeriscloud.disk
    ├── aeriscloud.dotdeb
    ├── aeriscloud.elasticsearch
    ├── ... more roles
    └── dependencies.txt

Notable files are env_production.yml and roles/dependencies.txt. The first one describes what we call services, that is a list of roles with safe defaults that can be enabled easily from the .aeriscloud.yml file.

Any custom roles for your organization should be created in the roles folder while galaxy dependencies should be declared in the dependencies.txt file. Dependencies are automatically installed when an organization is installed or updated.

Creating a New Role

The recommended way to create a new role for your organization is to use

cloud organizations goto my-org
cd roles
ansible-galaxy init my-role

You can then proceed with editing your role to add the features you need. More informations on how to write ansible roles can be found in the ansible documentation.

An easy way to quickly test your roles on many platforms is to use the ansible-role-test tool, see the documentation for more informations.

If possible it is recommended to create generic roles that can be pushed later on galaxy, if your role contains sensitive informations, it can make sense to move those to variables and create a wrapper role that depends on it and just defines those vars with private values.

Once your role is created, make sure to update env_production.yml so that users can use it in their .aeriscloud.yml file.


This is our main playbook that will be used both on the local environments and and production servers.

It should starts with common roles that are to be run on every servers and be followed by a list of what we call services, services are just hosts groups with roles applied to them, and a specially crafted comment that makes them available for selection in the aeris init command:

--- # This is a sample env_production.yml
# Run our pre-provisioning roles
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
  sudo: true
  user: "{{ username }}"
  - common

# The following block registers a new service named gateway

# service: Used to setup a front-facing gateway/firewall server
- hosts: gateway
  gather_facts: true
  sudo: true
  - gateway

# Default services are services that are automatically added to a
# new project when running aeris init, but can be removed manually
# by the user

# default service: Install mongodb
- hosts: mongodb
  gather_facts: true
  sudo: true
  - mongodb

# Run our post-provisioning roles
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
  sudo: true
  user: "{{ username }}"
  - setup_stuff